Author: radicallyextrinsic

Kunal is an engineering dropout, an experienced journalist, a self-trained expert at many skills and a successful entrepreneur. In this exclusive interview with GizoBox, he sheds light on the current issues of startups in India and shows how his highly successful venture, SkillSikho is set to enable entrepreneurs to tackle with these roadblocks. NEERAJ S.K.: How did you come up with the idea of SkillSikho and what inspired you to start such a venture? KUNAL: My life experiences were the most important source of inspiration for staring-up SkillSikho. I dropped out of VJTI College and thereafter I started learning…

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May the Man rest in peace. The man who enlightened us all, To the immensity of the universe. The Man who made ‘Black-Hole’, A Household Word. The Man who inspired scientists innumerable, May that Man rest in peace. The Man who proved, That nothing is impossible; With Love, Willpower, and Friendship, You can make it possible. The Man who taught us to survive, No matter What the circumstances. May that Man rest in peace. The Man who awakened the geeks within, And directed many ignorants, On the Path of Science. One of the greatest scientists in human history, Who remained…

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Ever since the release of the eighth instalment of the Star Wars Franchise, The Last Jedi has been ridiculed beyond measure on the World Wide Web, not only by the newbie followers but also by the most hard-core, veteran Star War Fans. Although, instead of looking at TLJ from the restricted perspective of a good movie or a bad one, let’s adopt a neutral temperament and analyse the movie a little. ** Warning: Spoilers ahead!** Luke’s Character: – Luke Skywalker’s character arch in TLJ was an eyesore for many viewers and that is quite obvious given that he is probably…

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Books have always been the most faithful friends of mankind ever since the printing and publishing technology came into being. Even today, when the majority of people get all the information need by simply typing a query in the URL box of Chrome or Safari, the publishing industry is going on persistently at a stable pace if not at a growing one. With the advent of E-Books and E-Readers, bibliophiles and book lovers all over the world have been divided into two separate groups. One made up of the ‘paperback-fanatics’ and the other consisting of the ‘e-book lovers’. Here is…

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Doctor Who, one of the most popular series in the history of television programs has continued to rip apart the Space-Time continuum for more than 50 years now. Although the 13th Regeneration of the Doctor has created a history of its own as for the first time ever in the Doctor Who series, the protagonist is a female. This change is not simply limited to the creative process of this series but it will also have wide-spread effects on the casting of other nerdy and geeky series of the Sci-Fi genre. Maybe we are at such a point of social…

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For a long time now I have been listening to words of extreme praise for the popular Netflix series called ‘Stanger Things’. Being a Sci-Fi fan myself, I could not stop myself from binge-watching the series consisting of 17 episodes, 40-50 minutes each, spread over two seasons. As to whether I liked it or not, and why, are questions for some other article. As of now, I would like to bring the reader’s attention to the fact that Stranger Things is an effective analogy for the tech-run world that we currently live in. These are the times when our scientific…

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Every Apple product, may it be iPhones, MacBooks, iMacs, iPods, iPads, has always had a fan following of its own. Fans line up in front of the Apple stores, at every new launch, just to make sure that they get to be one amongst the first few to get their hands on the amazing new piece of technology. Just like ‘George Lucas’ and ‘Star Wars’ have independent identities of their own, Apple has always claimed a celebrity status that was separate from that of its CEO, ‘Steve Jobs’. Although, the fact still remains that it was Jobs, who made Apple…

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In the age of digitization, where intangible Internet mediums are creating unseen distances amongst loved ones, the Café Culture that has become highly popular in the recent times in India, has stepped in to remedy the situation. The Café’s in India have now outgrown their original purpose of serving beverages and now act more like a tangible social network. The new Indian definition of a Café is a place, where people can rekindle their relationships over a cup of a delicious and refreshing beverage. One such novel and exciting concept that is revolutionising the Café industry in India, (which also…

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